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September 2019: Flying high…

Well here it is, another book for you! Cold Echo was published 23rd September and already has some great reviews (phew). If you pick up a copy, I really hope you enjoy it. Cold Echo had an interesting beginning when I was told by my then publisher to write something “less international and more local”. […]


August 2019: Fast flying and Cold Echo

I did it! I became the first passenger in our home built aeroplane! I’d been told that Vans RV-8s were exceptional aircraft but had no idea until I was in the air. They are strong, solid aircraft with a purposeful attitude. They’re also beautifully manoeuvrable and VERY fast!


June 2019: Portugal, aeroplanes and real-life psychopaths

It’s been a while since I blogged thanks to being absorbed in writing a new thriller as well as editing another and proofing yet another – an ongoing process of publishing that sometimes feels as though it’s getting a bit out of hand, but I’ve finished the edits and have two books coming out now, […]


March 2019: Coming out of hibernation…

At last, Spring is here! I am slowly coming out of hibernation, although I have to say I didn’t get out too much last week since we were being battered by gale force winds and horizontal rain. Pretty foul, but it was good reading weather! Today, however, the sun is out, the daffodils are bobbing […]


December 2018: Irons in the fire…

Christmas is around the corner and you can guess what I’ve been buying… yes! BOOKS! From the Private Eye annual to Tequila Mockingbird (cocktails with a literary twist) and The Penguin Book of Brexit Cartoons, there’s something cheery for everyone out there.


October 2018: A land of contrasts

Yesterday I landed back in the UK from Tokyo and I am now sitting in my office feeling somewhat bleary with jet-lag but very content after sating my wanderlust. Japan is an incredible country, on the one hand it’s spiritual and harmonious and on the other it’s absolutely crazy. A real land of contrasts.


August 2018: Long, hot summer

Well, what a summer! After what seems to have been the longest winter EVER, we’ve had the longest, hottest summer EVER. For weeks I’ve been feeling like I’m on holiday even if I’m not. This has been disastrous on the productivity front. I’m not on holiday. But the holiday feeling continues.


May 2018: Hello, spring!

Well, hello spring! After what seems to have been the longest winter EVER, the sun is finally out, blossom blooming, and the birds are nesting.  The only drawback when the weather cheers up is that I’d rather be outside than in, so sitting at my computer becomes a bit of an effort. Today, for example, […]


March 2018: Staying cosy…

So, the Beast from the East has returned to the UK but luckily, I’m all tucked up in my office with the heating going flat out. I love being snowed in, but must admit that’s only when I don’t have to be going anywhere…


February 2018: Playing hookey…

Well, here we are, well into the New Year and in the middle of my least favourite month. February always seems to drag on forever, but I have to admit that the dull grey days are great for this writer as I don’t have any urge to head outside and play hookey!