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December 2017: Stuck for Christmas gift ideas? Here are my top book picks…

Yippee! The eBook for Know Me Now is now out! And so far the reviews have been great, so I’m really pleased. It’s always a bit of a harrowing time until you get some feedback on a new book, and the relief at all those 4 and 5 star reviews has been massive, believe me.


November 2017: Even villains like a bit of Christmas pudding…

Fancy getting ahead of the game? Grabbing a free, pre-publication copy of my new book Know Me Now? Just go to NetGalley and in return for your free copy all you have to do is give it an honest review.  It doesn’t have to be an essay – I know how busy everyone is – but […]


September 2017: A refreshing Cornish break and a new book cover!

I’ve just finished the line edit for my next book, yesssss! A writer’s life is always punctuated by little triumphs, and although I still have the copy edit to come, it’s a relief knowing that there won’t be any big changes and that I can move on and concentrate on the next book.


July 2017: The freedom of not writing

Well, here I am, still in that awkward between-books state. Where some people feel they have to write every day, I find having a break does me good – which is why I’m writing this beneath a beach brolly in the garden. I’m on holiday (yippee!) not just physically, but mentally too.


‘Spare Me The Truth’ long-listed for Ngaio Marsh Award for Best Crime Novel

I’m thrilled to find out that my novel Spare Me The Truth, the first in the Dan Forrester series, has been long-listed for the Ngaio Marsh Award for Best Crime Novel! The award is now in its seventh year and recognises “the best in New Zealand crime fiction”, writes The Spinoff – wow! I’m very honoured to be […]


May 2017: The importance of turning off your left brain…

What happened to the month? Where has it gone?! One second I’m blogging about being between books and I’m dismayed to find I still am – yikes!


April 2017: The space between books…

It’s been a funny old time, the past few weeks. Being between books is always a little strange, creative-wise, because while I’m looking ahead at the next in the series (#4) I’m also working on #3.


March 2017: How stories can save lives…

Well, here I am, back home and back at work. I still feel a bit discombobulated (one of my favourite words) after my trip to NZ and Australia and I’m not sure if it’s the remnants of jet-lag or simply if I’m suffering from a bit of ergasiophobia (another favourite word).


February 2017: Against the odds…

I’m writing this at 35,000ft above the Tasman Sea, flying from New Zealand to Australia – lucky me! The launch of Tell Me A Lie has been terrific, thanks so much for all your reviews on Goodreads and Amazon – it means so much I can’t tell you. Not only does it get me noticed […]


January 2017: My top five books of 2016

I can’t believe it’s been ten months since Dan Forrester and Lucy Davies hit the shelves – where has the time gone?! I hope you all had a fabulous Christmas and that your stockings came full of books – in my view there is no more perfect gift than a well-chosen book. But then I […]