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November 2023 – Yippee! Another Book Out!

Yes, I have a new book coming out! Publication date 12th December, just in time for Christmas, yay! You’re very welcome to pre-order here: For Kindle: https://tinyurl.com/yx7s3f7x For the paperback: https://tinyurl.com/mr3wywju I really hope you enjoy it! People invariably ask me where I get my inspiration, and for this book, it came from a visit […]


December 2022: Creativity and Life Unlocked

Yes, Christmas is nearly upon us! Again! And yes, I’ve written another book, working title, Deadly Friends, which I sent to my agent this week. While I wait to hear whether it gets the thumbs up or the thumbs down, I’m swanning around with my head in the clouds, thinking up plots for the next […]


August 2021: A sense of freedom & readers’ choice

Hello! I can’t believe it’s been over five months since my last blog – where did the time go?! Personally, it went on getting out and about when lockdown was eased, and the sense of freedom the camper gave was indescribably precious. I hit Cornwall, and although it was freezing (it was the coldest May […]


March 2021: Book news and looking forward to freedom

It’s an odd one, this newsletter, because although we’re supposed to be coming out of lockdown, it’s such a long process that when the “roadmap” was announced I didn’t do single handspring. I just sighed and tidied another cupboard (already tidied several times, arggghh). I shall relish my freedom when it comes. I’ve mentally packed […]


November 2020: Some good news, plus the secret to creativity…

Good news! (I thought I’d start with a cheery note). I’ve found a publisher for the fourth Dan Forrester novel! Scare Me to Death was copy-edited earlier in the month and I’m just waiting for the proof edit. Publishing date 9th April. Exciting! This particular book sees Lucy and Dan piecing together the fragments of […]


August 2020: A hot-coal idea and time to take stock

Well, here we are, coming out of lockdown. At least I hope so. Unlike some people, I haven’t been relishing the “stay at home” mantra as I’ve found rather to my cost that my creativity freezes up without external stimulation. As soon as I was allowed out a little more – even if it was […]


May 2020: life in lockdown

Well, how to start a newsletter after everything that’s been going on? It’s worse than starting a novel. So much has happened, on a global scale, it’s almost impossible. So, I’ll dive right in by saying I hope you’re all okay, and that your loved ones are too. I send you love and warmest wishes […]


March 2020: The Snow Thief

Namaste! Just flown in from India and beautiful Dharamshala in the foothills of the Himalayas. Mission: to drop a copy of The Snow Thief to the Dalai Lama. I couldn’t have been more welcome. Whenever I told anyone in town that my book was about Tibet, I got such an incredible response I stopped being […]


January 2020: A new decade and a new book…

HAPPY NEW YEAR! ☺☺☺ And a very happy start to a new decade! Things here have kicked off with a blast, with another book out on 5th February. I am definitely like London buses. Nothing for 18 months and then, wham, you get more than you can shake a stick at. Deep Black Lies is […]


December 2019: Tibet and Tintin

OK. Guess what’s on my Christmas list. Yep, you’ve got it. BOOKS! Oh, and some decent weather, please. It’s rained every day for as long as I can remember, but the good news is that it’s been great for writing, and I’ve just finished the copy-edit of The Snow Thief, for March publication. This is […]