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Category Archives: News

October 2024: two manuscripts finished, time to start the next!

Well, summer’s over – or certainly seems to be since there’s a “real feel” temperature outside of just 4° – but I’m feeling exceedingly cheery having just signed a new book deal with Bloodhound Books, woo hoo! Time to celebrate! Now, I’m in that weird space before I settle back to writing again, where I […]


No Treacherous Friends here…………!

I am so chuffed with how my latest novel, A Treachery of Friends, is going, I can’t tell you. The reviews are averaging 4.5 stars, which helped move it into the top 100 crime fiction novels on Amazon. Yay! The fact people seem to be loving it has made a fantastic start to my year. […]


November 2023 – Yippee! Another Book Out!

Yes, I have a new book coming out! Publication date 12th December, just in time for Christmas, yay! You’re very welcome to pre-order here: For Kindle: https://tinyurl.com/yx7s3f7x For the paperback: https://tinyurl.com/mr3wywju I really hope you enjoy it! People invariably ask me where I get my inspiration, and for this book, it came from a visit […]


December 2022: Creativity and Life Unlocked

Yes, Christmas is nearly upon us! Again! And yes, I’ve written another book, working title, Deadly Friends, which I sent to my agent this week. While I wait to hear whether it gets the thumbs up or the thumbs down, I’m swanning around with my head in the clouds, thinking up plots for the next […]


August 2021: A sense of freedom & readers’ choice

Hello! I can’t believe it’s been over five months since my last blog – where did the time go?! Personally, it went on getting out and about when lockdown was eased, and the sense of freedom the camper gave was indescribably precious. I hit Cornwall, and although it was freezing (it was the coldest May […]


March 2021: Book news and looking forward to freedom

It’s an odd one, this newsletter, because although we’re supposed to be coming out of lockdown, it’s such a long process that when the “roadmap” was announced I didn’t do single handspring. I just sighed and tidied another cupboard (already tidied several times, arggghh). I shall relish my freedom when it comes. I’ve mentally packed […]


November 2020: Some good news, plus the secret to creativity…

Good news! (I thought I’d start with a cheery note). I’ve found a publisher for the fourth Dan Forrester novel! Scare Me to Death was copy-edited earlier in the month and I’m just waiting for the proof edit. Publishing date 9th April. Exciting! This particular book sees Lucy and Dan piecing together the fragments of […]


August 2020: A hot-coal idea and time to take stock

Well, here we are, coming out of lockdown. At least I hope so. Unlike some people, I haven’t been relishing the “stay at home” mantra as I’ve found rather to my cost that my creativity freezes up without external stimulation. As soon as I was allowed out a little more – even if it was […]


May 2020: life in lockdown

Well, how to start a newsletter after everything that’s been going on? It’s worse than starting a novel. So much has happened, on a global scale, it’s almost impossible. So, I’ll dive right in by saying I hope you’re all okay, and that your loved ones are too. I send you love and warmest wishes […]


March 2020: The Snow Thief

Namaste! Just flown in from India and beautiful Dharamshala in the foothills of the Himalayas. Mission: to drop a copy of The Snow Thief to the Dalai Lama. I couldn’t have been more welcome. Whenever I told anyone in town that my book was about Tibet, I got such an incredible response I stopped being […]